The survey conducted in the villages of Znamenka, Zbunin, and Medno within the Znamenka Village Council of the Brest District from June 12 to July 9, 2023, aimed to collect quantitative data and opinions from local residents on the distribution of household roles and attitudes toward various responsibilities. Part of the survey focused on family budgeting and perspectives for enhancing women’s income within households.
The survey included 22 residents aged 19 to 45 who had been married for more than one year. Participants were asked to respond to 14 questions, three of which were open-ended to allow for more detailed and nuanced insights. The survey was conducted in an individual format to ensure honesty and accuracy in responses.
The collected data was processed and analyzed using modern statistical methods, including the calculation of averages, percentages, and visualization of the results. Particular attention was given to identifying key trends and factors influencing perceptions of responsibilities and the potential for women’s economic advancement within families.
The study also accounted for limitations such as the small sample size and potential response biases. The results provide valuable insights into local residents’ opinions, highlight critical issues, and form the foundation for further research aimed at promoting the sustainable development of family relationships in the region.